Review: Adrift on a Sea of Blue Light

Adrift on a Sea of Blue Light

By Peter Muilenburg

253 pages, $15.95


 In this delightful collection of short tales, Peter Muilenburg shares his world. It’s one that many sailors will envy: raising a family on St. John in the U.S. Virgin Islands; living aboard Breath, the 42-foot gaff-rigged ketch he and his wife, Dorothy, built; sailing throughout the Caribbean with interludes in the Mediterranean and Africa. His ability to face life’s ironies with compassion and humor is most evident in the stories that involve the book’s central character – the family’s beloved (and seemingly immortal) boat dog, Santos. Muilenburg has the enviable ability to write as if he were talking with a friend over drinks. So find a comfortable chair, grab a Carib, and immerse yourself in the Caribbean, the world beyond, and a life lived simply but full of riches.