
Vogue, What a Trip to See Grizzly Bears Taught Me About Patience 

Further, All the Light We Can(Not) See

Further, Waiting to Inhale

Further, A Kingdom for My Horse

AFAR, Hiking Mt. Etna, Italy’s Friendly Active Volcano

AAA Explorer, Here Comes The Sun

AAA Explorer, Favorite Areas on the Virginia Bird and Wildlife Trail

BBC, The Surprising US Region That’s Home to the World’s Oldest Forests

Robb Report, How Patagonia’s Rugged and Remote Northern Region is Luring the Safari Set

Travel + Leisure, These Islands off Canada’s Coast are Actually Part of France

The Wall Street Journal, The Witches of Salem: A Traveler’s Guide to America’s Spookiest Town

AFAR, Traveling with a TV Star: My Bare Feet Tour of Ireland

Boston Globe, Las Vegas For Nerds

National Geographic Travel, Why Do Travel Tales Put People to Sleep?

AAA Texas, 5 Picturesque Texas Towns for the Holidays

AFAR, A Walking Tour of America’s Most Car-Happy City

Consumer Reports, Should You Buy Your Vacation from BJ’s, Costco, or Sam’s Club?

The Boston Globe, The Beatrice in Providence Opens, and Mom Would Be So Proud

AFAR, On Your Next Trip to NYC, Scale a Skyscraper 

AAA Explorer Tidewater Traveler, Out & About: Trailblazers

AAA Explorer Tidewater Traveler, Out & About: Mythical Sea Creatures 

The Boston Globe, Missing European travel? New Hampshire’s grand hotels might be the perfect solution

The Boston Globe, This Hotel Has Only Ever Known a Pandemic

The New York Times, Singing and Dancing with Beluga Whales

The New York Times, Welcome to Estonia’s Isle of Women

The Independent, What Life is Like on the Island Run by Women

Departures, Inside the Maldives’ Most Artistic Hotel

The Chicago Tribune, Charting Our Own Course on a Sailing Adventure in the BVI

National Geographic, You Need to See Africa’s Mountain Gorillas in Uganda

National Geographic, Undiscovered Japan: Tokyo’s Best Weekend Getaways

National Geographic, Japan Beyond Tokyo

The Globe and Mail, Gorillas in our Midst (Sunday travel section, November 25)

The New York Times, The Wonder Women of Botswana Safari (Sunday travel cover, August 27)

The New York Times, When Dinosaurs Roamed North Dakota (Sunday travel cover, July 16)

BBC Travel, The Real-Life Garden of Eden

Sherman’s Travel, Easy Escapes: Niagara County, New York

National Geographic, 11 Daring Dishes to Eat

American Way, Centuries of Charm (Sept issue)

The Boston Globe, Breathtaking Views and a New Hampshire Connection (Sunday travel section, June 26)

The Boston Globe, Thai elephants find refuge with tourists (Sunday travel section, April 5)

The Boston Globe, Summer in the Arctic (Easter Sunday travel section, March 27)

Hemispheres, New York’s Felinist (Feb print issue)

AFAR, Explore Nicaragua’s Coffee Culture (Jan/Feb print issue)

The New York Times, Hotel in Nicaragua Offers Secluded Luxury (Sunday travel section, Dec. 6)

AFAR, Go Beyond The Beach in the Caribbean: Dive like a Cousteau (Nov/Dec print issue)

The Boston Globe, Shell-Shocked Florida Refugees (Sunday travel section, October 25)

Travel and Leisure, Five Restaurants Leading Albuquerque’s Local Food Renaissance

BBC Travel, The Boston bench that made history

Travel Africa, Virgin Territory (Winter 2015 print issue)

The Boston Globe, A wild solo safari in Namibia traffic (Sunday travel section, January 11)

BBC Travel, In Ireland, hiking for ancient relics hidden by fog

SELF, Extreme Sport We Love: Baby Buffalo Wrangling

Men’s Journal, Riding With Buffalo

American Way, Over Hill, Over Dale (August 1 print issue)

American Way, Daytripping from London: Bath, Cambridge & Brighton (May 1 print issue)

American Way, Kansas City’s Crossroads (March 15 print issue)

American Way, Weekend in Nantucket (March 1 print issue)

Hemispheres, The Elephant Whisperers

American Way, Pigs in Paradise(Cover story, September 1 print issue)

American Way, Weekend in Hartford (May 15 print issue)

24/7 Magazine Ireland, Into The West